Saturday, September 22, 2007


fall is a favorite time for me. leaves. apple sauce(homemade). walks. color. cinnamon. new.

with a and i doing youth ministry i feel like we are still on school year mode....with seasonal change with scheduling...goals....and hopefully slowing down a bit.

i want to breathe life into people. breathe God's truth and promises into those that are in need.

i want to be bold in my lifestyle. i want to be content with the blessings that he has given me....not searching or longing for more. more. more material. more clarification. another sign. more things.....

i want to be a child of his. i want to hear is voice.

this fall is different for me. lots on the plate that i am playing with.....a and i are trusting.....we will continue to serve. live out our call. trusting you.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

new land

while we were down there....we had to the opportunity to check out the new land.....after12 yrs of pryers. fundraising. dreaming. etc. the time is here. they are in the process of purchasing the land. so excited to go next time and be apart of a new chapter. hope all of you enjoyed the pix. thanks for all the support for a and i. loves.


farwell service

Monday, September 10, 2007


more pix of mex....

andy was busy filming al week. our video turned out amazng! more pix shawn took of a and i...possible xmas card material. c3

Friday, September 7, 2007

baby evelyn, the youngest. so cute.
art work i was doing at church.....easels up always.
and andy always filming....incognito

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


marybell....manuel( arrived as a 3/4 lbs. baby...miracles. his laugh or should i say scream is contagious. me and Dulce' ( andy and i are sponsoring her) so amazing. and adorable jasmine. always pig tails and book in hand.

more random...

a and
laura chilling the tourist way.
some cuties at the orphange.
and some amazing armpit in mouth shot.....laughter was like this daily

the sky

every day while we were would rain about dinner time. so cool how the sky would change. this is on top of a big hill over looking the city...a band shot. ha. madi and know!

the art...

the nations church had muros everywere...jesse and a crew made them. one on harvest, their ministries, the fruit of the spirit. they are beautiful. after church we had a free day...went and saw puebla..the markets..the cafes' ...cathedrals...a great day. i had the idea to take senior pix of fun.

capturing the times..

pix of andy with the boys chilling at living hope.....they loved him...some shirts ripped from them climbing all over him....the 2nd pix is of chelsey and roberta....(chels is such a blessing to us, her story is going to impact so many. she has been going strong now for 7 months...sober...and loving God. defn. has a call on her life for kids..) one exciting thing that happened. is that i got re-united with an old friend from chi alpha...Juana..has been on staff there for 21/2 yrs. and little did i know that is who we have been corresponding with the whole cool. Every night when we would be on the bus, andy would play guitar, or groove ball would kick shot of Luda going all out.

mexi pix

hi how do you recap such an amzing experience. as you all know..andy and i went down to puebla with 15 other peeps from the g8 to work at living hope...a orphange.....a church....a school.....a family! we had a blast. life changing! the fagans took over 6400 pix...for them to use. i cut 27 people's hair....taught a class....andy spoke at nations church and helped with the school of ministry....our team worked with the orphange....did lots of kids.....sports....worshipped.....and what was so cool was to see our team grow in christ- together-- and be REAL!. I am so proud of our crew, for their openness and rawness. We will forever have the handprints of these children our our hearts. If anyone is interested in sponsporship, or checking our their website its
pix1. our living room at the house we stayed at.
pix2. our crew outside our house.
pix.3 jesse in her element...holding precious sara
pix 4. working on salvation bracelets with the kids.....
pix 5. ozzy that God has given us!