Thursday, January 31, 2008


life is been crazy good lately! i am pushing through...tearing down excuses..and running full. i want 2008 to be different. andy and i have been on a "phase", as most know this term is used much in roch/cass home..but our phase is staying strong..focused and i am excited.

2008 brings new stories. new people to connect with...impact!
2008 brings me to a content spot in life! learning..growing...and seeking GOD.
2008 is going to be the year I actually really READ and Grow, SEEK God on a daily basis...CONSISTENCY.
2008 is a year where I nurture and invest in my relationships with those I love......and care for.....
2008 is a year for escape..ha
2008 is new endevoures for career, hair....dreaming big. taking close!!!!
2008 is another year for holding Dulce' and other L.H. children....their soft hearts...and big eyes
2008 is a year for more long wknds with andy.......

i am excited. heart heavy.....and looking past judgement and expectations of the world......


Monday, January 28, 2008

Sweet 16

10 years ago, I turned 16.....10 years ago i got my license...10 years ago i experienced God for the 1st time at camp.....10 years ago, my sisters were the ages of the youth girls I work with, 10 years ago my favorite band was mariah Carey..and sad to say i loved "jock jam" ha. 10 years ago, I was a cheerleader..scary....10 years ago, I didn't see the beauty in me, I didn't have many people that were showing me a positive influence...I thought I was the only one that struggled with a lot of issues..10 years ago i went through a crazy year........learning..growing...and facing huge obstacles!

everytime one of the G8 kids turn 16...i go back. isn't funny how we associate age with so many things in life? we have our flash back moments.......

well, last night my loyal HTALLS turned sweet 16 (as mtv puts it) we lived it up! playing apples to apples and catchphrase, ate some amazing cookies, and celebrated! looking at HTALLS life, i am so excited to see what she is doing for GOD, pushing through the crowd! being in youth ministry we often overlook, or forget sometimes the wins! but heather, you are a rockstar, and we are so proud of you and your life being a reflection of Christ!

To my small group- CONTRAST gals.....I love you!!! It has been a blessing to have you crazies over week after week! HOLLER! thanks for throwing the cellular devices in the cell basket! Ha. You guys are the reason I keep going..moving forward..praying and fighting for you!


Friday, January 25, 2008

kicking bats

Yesterday, like any other day was the usual....but two things happened that made me laugh...a lot! the FS bldg where i work, there have been some encounters with the species called the "bat".....not the prettiest thing around. actually, scares the crap out of mice. anyways, we were hanging lights on the ceiling beams the other day, joking about the sighting that day. well, low and behold, yesterday, the mailman got my attention, stating, "there was a dead bat on your sidewalk"...he then said, "isn't that coo(l)?" talked like my dad..ha i said, "NO!" later in the afternoon we decided to see joan's reaction at work, she jumped. it was hilarious.....all in all...this is a is too flippin' cold here...bats are frozen. nast! i was drivin home, i observed an old man, ticked at the world, because this chevy truck was an inch on the crosswalk...he started KICKING the man's truck, cussing, and yelling. i could hear this from across the intersection, in my car, with my heat on level 4..which is loud....i was laughing literally out LOUD, then realizing someone needs to do something, and the light went on in my head, K-9 police in front of me...he got on the scene in seconds. those are the times where we wish our light would stay red, so we can observe.....

random, yet funny....those are the moments in my life where i laugh.....cheers to blizzards killing species and making people crazy. ha. c3

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a new fav

one of my favorite things about this time of being home more. Andy and I love having people over for dinner. one of my new fav. cookbooks that is the modern day betty crocker......thanks to rowans for showing me this essential item for cooking! i have made many recipes from it! we try to have people over for dinner at least once a week! it is a blast, cooking, baking (we have a bread machine/ kitchen aide), decorating the table (I enjoy this side), and playing games/ listening to amazing music..from reggae, norah jones, blues, to jon foreman ep. if only we had a fireplace!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

lots of laughter...we found that mrs saxton can't handle certain subjects......

rochester assembly

We went to Brainerd last week with our was a blast. we now have 7 pastors on our team. we had a hilarious night filled with laughter, stories, and secrets...ha. we are blessed.

old friends

for new years...i hit up the cities with some qt friends/pals from duluth. we had a blast, staying at amy's......
on jan 1, jody and i hit up monica and tj's in coon rapids. they have the cutest kids...ever.......sadie and carter.....prec. thanks for the amazing lunch. love you guys.....

praise him

i love starbux!

2 words: Rock Band

For Christmas, My glorious husband got ROCK BAND From the cass 'rents.....since then, it has been the thing to do at our house......24/7